Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2 - Nové Město
Public Hours
on working days from 9 am to 5 pm
Number: 49277600
VAT number: CZ49277600
data box ID: yr9mzxx
Bank account number: 87637011/0710
Director's Office

František Reismüller

Office of the Director
Assistant Director
Iva Kořínková
Phone: +420 777 702 761
E-mail: korinkova@czechtourism.cz
Media contact (Media representation)
Kateřina Beránková
Phone: +420 724 302 802
E-mail: berankova@czechtourism.cz
External Relations Manager – Public Affairs, Corporate Communications
Department of Finance and Facility Management

Radovan Vaštyl
Radovan Vaštyl passed the brokerage exams after studying at the Czech Technical University (ČVÚT) in Prague and subsequently worked as a portfolio manager of pension and investment funds in an investment company, as well as a broker for a member of the BCPP. He also devoted himself to security topics, including information protection, which he further developed as a security director and secretary of the board of directors in a telecommunications company.
In his professional career he worked for more than 10 years at Ministry of Industry and Trade in the field of European subsidies administration, where he worked in a wide range of positions from clerk to director of the Structural Funds Implementation Department.
Prior to joining CzechTourism, he worked as Head of the Internal Service Team at the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre, where he was responsible for a wide range of tasks from HR, economics and facility management.
In CzT he would like to apply his experience in implementing digitalization tools, optimizing processes within the company and overall streamlining the operation of CzT.

Phone: +420 777 702 763
E-mail: vastyl@czechtourism.cz
Department of Internal Affairs
Head of DepartmentVanda Wagnerová
Phone: +420 777 702 786
E-mail: wagnerova@czechtourism.cz
Finance department + administration of foreign representations
Head of DepartmentIlona Šotkovská
Phone: +420 777 702 764
E-mail: sotkovska@czechtourism.cz
Department of Product Management and Regional Cooperation

Director of the Department
Tereza Hofmanová
She is an active member of the Strategic Alliance of European National Convention Bureaus and is fluent in English, French, Spanish and German. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling and developing language skills of both children and adults.
E-mail: hofmanova@czechtourism.cz
Department of Product Management and Regional Cooperation
(cultural, active, spa tourism) including press and fam trips
Head of DepartmentKatarína Minárik
Phone: +420 607 736 408
E-mail: minarik@czechtourism.cz
Institute of Tourism
Head of DepartmentPetr Janeček
Phone: +420 777 111 174
E-mail: janecek@czechtourism.cz
Czech Convention Bureau
Head of DepartmentTereza Hofmanová
Phone: +420 777 702 733
E-mail: hofmanova@czechtourism.cz
Department of Marketing and Foreign Representations

Jana Štumpová Konicarová
In her current position at CzechTourism, she focuses on strengthening the positive image and clear positioning of Czechia in the world. Her goal is to support tourism and economic development of Czechia through effective and innovative marketing.

Phone: +420 777 702 737
E-mail: konicarova@czechtourism.cz
Communications Manager, Marketing and Foreign Representations Department
Martin Poul
Phone: +420 774 739 702
E-mail: poul@czechtourism.cz
Advertising Department
Head of DepartmentMartina Jordánová
Phone: +420 731 548 503
E-mail: jordanova@czechtourism.cz
Trade Fairs and Advertising Department Manager
Pavla Šebestová
Phone: +420 777 702 742
E-mail: sebestova@czechtourism.cz
Department of Content and Web Portal Development
Head of Department
Petr Moc
Phone: +420 730 181 450
E-mail: moc@czechtourism.cz
Portal Kudyznudy.cz
Štěpánka Orsáková
Phone: +420 777 702 760
E-mail: katalog@czechtourism.cz
Lucie Dvořáková
Phone: +420 731 548 531
E-mail: dvorakova.l@czechtourism.cz
Kateřina Farná
Phone: +420 731 548 518
E-mail: farna@czechtourism.cz
Social Networks
Lucie Reismüllerová
Phone: +420 777 702 746
E-mail: reismullerova@czechtourism.cz
IT projects
Matěj Brnka
Phone: +420 777 702 741
E-mail: brnka@czechtourism.cz
Resource Market Management and Foreign Representations
Head of DepartmentJana Houšková
Phone: +420 777 702 767
E-mail: houskova@czechtourism.cz
Manager for international marketing in remote markets
(China, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, USA)
Lenka Nováková
Phone: +420 774 871 702
E-mail: novakova@czechtourism.cz
Manager for international marketing in nearby markets
(Benelux, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK)
Blanka Fejtková
Phone: +420 731 548 513
E-mail: fejtkova@czechtourism.cz
Manager for International Marketing - New Markets
Barbara Andelová
Phone: +420 731 548 508
E-mail: andelova@czechtourism.cz
Special Projects Contacts
Czech Specials ProjectLenka Nováková
Phone: +420 774 871 702
E-mail: novakova@czechtourism.cz
Experience Manager
Eva Beranová
Phone: +420 774 784 702
E-mail: beranova@czechtourism.cz
Project Ambassador, event partnership
Lukáš Bajer
Phone: +420 604 512 642
E-mail: bajer@czechtourism.cz
Analytical web portal tourdata.cz, marketing research Institute of Tourism
Sonia Machová
Phone: +420 777 702 753
E-mail: machova@czechtourism.cz
Product manager - Sustainability
Tereza Kadlecová
Phone: +420 777 702 784
E-mail: kadlecova@czechtourism.cz
Contact for students
E-mail: student@czechtourism.cz (thesis processing, etc.)